At Ubisoft’s last financial meeting, not only did we hear about the postponement, but we also received news of canceled games. On the one hand, it is an explanation that does not surprise, and on the other hand, it is a statement that I regret that so much effort and so much time has been wasted that could be used to make better games, I don’t know what you think.
The games announced to be canceled at the meeting are Ghost Recon Frontline and Splinter Cell VR. It was stated that the main reason for the cancellation of both games was “changing financial conditions”, but no details were made.
In fact, Ghost Recon Frontline was like a stillborn project from the start. While there was already a troubled process in Breakpoint, it was not a very reasonable choice to take a battle royale game from the Ghost Recon series. As a matter of fact, the reactions received after the announcement of the game revealed that the followers of the series were not at all satisfied with this situation; The number of people who didn’t like the announcement video quadrupled the number of people who liked it. Ubisoft had also canceled the tests planned for the game. So, step by step, Ubisoft made its way to that inevitable end, and it was evident that they finally decided to pull the plug on the game.
For Splinter Cell VR, there is not much that can be said, there was no proper information about the game. The most important problem here was that players who had been waiting for a new Splinter Cell game for years were confronted with “We are making a VR game”. As might be expected, it was not received very positively. With the announcement of Splinter Cell Remake in December, it also left the agenda of the series’ followers. Ubisoft, probably realizing that it could not find what it expected from this VR game, decided to cancel the game.
In addition to these two games, two more games that have not yet been announced have been canceled. One wonders which series these games belonged to or if new brands were coming. Regardless, Ubisoft has again wasted its resources and energy. Should we hope that they will at least focus on more solid projects from now on?