It is said to be a remake of Konami’s long-established series Metal Gear Solid. Solid Snake voice actor David Hayter has suggested that a Metal Gear Solid remake version may be being developed for the current generation of consoles.
Metal Gear Solid remake may be being developed
The claim came during a lengthy discussion with YouTuber Dan Allen, who said he was told a new version of the Hideo Kojima classic could be in development.
“When I got a text from an insider two days ago, I thought it was a rumor until I said they heard it could actually happen,” Hayter said. “A few days ago I received confirmation that this may not be a rumor, and even that was still a rumor. But now it’s an ‘industry rumor’ so it tends to be a little more accurate.”
Hayter added that if broadcaster Konami develops a Metal Gear Solid remake, the original recordings will probably have to be re-recorded due to his age, and he can still voice the young Snake.
“They can’t use the original PlayStation audio recordings because the sound card isn’t as good as today’s consoles. So much so that when you turn on the old tapes, you can hear the traffic going through the outside and all the room noise because we didn’t do it in a studio. We did it in a living room.”
“We re-recorded the entire game for [GameCube Remake] The Twin Snakes so that theoretically they could use these recordings, but I still don’t think the quality will match what needs to be done.”
Since we know that Konami has softened his attitude towards outsourcing, the possibility that such a project could be developed by an outside studio is also strengthened. A VGC report said the company was using external resources for the new Silent Hill game. This suggests that Konami’s stance on licensing gaming properties has softened. Such a possibility can also be considered for a possible Metal Gear Solid Remake project.
Especially after the disappointing performances of Metal Gear Survive and Contra: Rogue Corps, the company may become more willing to contract with outside studios for its big series. This information comes from VGC sources. Konami also recently announced that he will participate in E3 2021. You can also express your opinions in the comments.