One of the interesting news of the past weeks is the publisher Charlie; Cr1tikal; It was White;s challenge. According to this, the publisher would give $ 20,000 to those who could make a Legendary All Skulls On (LASO) tour without dying even once in Halo 2 Anniversary. The so-called LASO round means playing with all the mods open at the highest difficulty level.
Cr1tikal actually put a $5,000 prize on the challenge earlier this year. The prize then increased to $20,000.
It’s been 18 years since Halo 2 was released, and not a single player has made it happen. Until now. Twitch streamer JerValiN completed this challenge and won the award. JerValiN;s tour lasted six and a half hours.
As I mentioned in our last report, there was only one immortal LASO tour known to date, and it also belonged to JerValin, but the Envy skull was used in that round. JerValin completed that round in 5:54:40 and managed to grab $20,000 by completing this new challenge in 6:29:44.