Tomb Raider 2, one of Lara Croft’s memorable adventures, which finally appeared in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, is set to debut in a fan-generated revaganised version. A new video has been released for Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian, which has been developed for a long time and we occasionally share published content about this development process. In this video of the game, developed with the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine, we see Lara Croft driving an ATV.
A new video for Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian has been released
Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian, recreated by a fan of nicobass nikli using Unreal Engine 4, had previously appeared in the opening cinematics, a short demo and screenshots. The refurbished version of the game, which was released on PC and Playstation in 1997 and Mac in 1998, is particularly notable for its graphics. This video of Lara using an ATV also looks quite fluid in terms of frame. However, as someone who had finished this game a long time ago, I could not remember an ATV (Quad Bike) scene in Tomb Raider 2. If I remember correctly, we were drivinga vehicle like this in Tomb Raider 3.
Of course, it is important to remember that this work of fan production is not an official work. That means some changes will come along. That’s why nicobass indicated that he wanted to be able to broadcast the game without any legal problems. Check out this new video of the game below.