By Kojima Productions located at the beginning of Hideo Kojima, we reached a new milestone in the Death Stranding, presented to game lovers. If we look at the resulting information, the game currently has reached more than 19 million players.
Death Stranding continues to expand the universe
<br/ The director of Death Stranding Hideo Kojima celebrates its 5th anniversary of the game with a post released on Twitter platform. Through the video published, the game has reached more than 19 million players on all platforms. In December last, this number was 16 million. If we look at these numbers, we can verify that the game continues to sell and play too.
On the other hand, a film project based on Death Stranding, offering a remarkable world to us is currently under construction. On the road as well as the continuing game. According to the details described by Kojima Productions, the game is aimed at Playstation 5 in 2025. Death Stranding 2: On the Beach as you know the name of the continuing game.
Finally, Kojima Productions recently purchased the rights of Death Stranding. As you know, name rights were previously in possession of Sony.
— HIDEO_KOJIMA Home EN) November 8, 2024