Sony recently launched a new State of Play presentation, which will include a 16-minute gameplay video for the highly anticipated Ratchet &clank: Rift Apart. The company had already underlined in its State of Play announcement that this presentation would be mostly ratchet &clank: rift apart.
Before this long gameplay video, a video was shown for Subnautica Below Zero, which will be released on May 14. Immediately afterwards, it was announced for one of the most popular productions of the last period, Among Us PS5 and PS4. It was announced in a short video that the game will arrive on these consoles later this year.
Gameplay video for Ratchet &clank: Rift Apart arrives
Following these two brief announcements, we came acrossa long gameplay video for Ratchet &clank: Rift Apart. This video shows the gameplay of both Ratchet and the newcomer Rivet character in the series. The two characters, which have almost similar characteristics, seem to be separated from each other in terms of animation. Ratchet, for example, uses his boots to glide through the air, while Rivet looks like he’s going to float through the air thanks to Clank, whom he stumbled across by chance. Let’s also remember that the game, which also has support for Turkish subtitles, will be released on June 11th.