Call of Duty Black Ops 6 achieved great success by reaching the number of simultaneous players exceeding 300 thousand on the Steam platform. This figure represents the highest player engagement since the exit of Call of Duty Warzone and shows that the popularity of the game still goes strong.
Black Ops 6 Grows with Steam Participation
You can withdraw your interest: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Review
The Steam version of
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 reached the full 306 thousand simultaneous players at the end of the launch week. This means a five-solid rise of the average number of players before the release of the game. The merger of new players with old fans returning to the game with the influence of Black Ops 6 folded the success of the game. Moreover, even though the game is offered to PC users via Xbox Game Pass, there is a high participation in Steam, the Call of Duty community proves its interest in this new game.
Black Ops on Xbox Game Pass is accessible for 12 dollars per 6 months. This game offers a affordable alternative to buy 70 dollars on Steam. But only those who continue to subscribe to Game Pass to play Call of Duty, after a few months they will have spent more than buying the game. Despite this, many players prefer high quality gaming experience offered by Steam.
The exit of Black Ops 6 was one of the most successful outlets in the Call of Duty series Steam. Although Warzone 2.0’s market has reached its 491 thousand acting peaks, Black Ops 6 Call of Duty implemented one of the most impressive launches of the series under the application.