Winner NIS America and developers Grasshopper Manufacture and Engine Software released a huge update that adds refreshed videos, graphic improvements, quick character selection option and other play improvements for the PC (Steam).
Patch Notes:
Killer7’s videos have been updated based on Gamecube videos, and I’m going to be able to play more fluently!
-All videos are original Rebuilt according to Gamecube videos.
-All videos are used instead of ogv.
Various changes were made to improve overall graphics performance to provide you with a better visual experience.
-More reload animation is now using 60 squares per second.
-MSAA support has been added (can be enabled in the structure tool).
-Care speed limiting support is added (configilable in the structure tool).
-More fonts have been upgraded.
. Added the option to choose quick character for those who use the Gamepad. It is used Sol Trigger as
-Varsayed. It can be configured in the
-Building tool.
Other Game Playing Improvements
-Artificial TV menu is possible to choose using the mouse. Search scenes of the
-Kess Bloodysunday can now be skipped.
-Sabit Xbox button references have been replaced by dynamic button gglyphs.
– buttons properly displays.
and duplicates are now added to 4br/div>.
Several Error Fixes
-Karakters were corrected (they do not appear red).
-Handsomemen fixed the effect of death particle. A rare old crash occurred in the stage of the
-“Susie in dryer.
-Detailed text errors were corrected in various subtitles and notes. An old error in the boss fight was corrected in the
-Ulmeyda boss fight. Fixed a graphical error that occurs when the game was out during the
-interfaced random crash was fixed.
-interfaced when opening the inside menu.
-Enjoyed error was set up when installed.