DOOM: The Dark Ages maintained its silence since it was announced in the Xbox Games Showcase event in June. However, a video shared by NVIDIA presented a short image with the new environmental designs of the game and the detailed appearance of DOOM Slayer. Although this video contains scenes, it gives important information about the atmosphere and visual quality of the game. DOOM: The Dark Ages will meet players in 2025.
DOOM: First Details from The Dark Ages
Home DOOM developed by Bethesda and id Software: The Dark Ages will take players to a dark medieval period. In the video that NVIDIA introduced DLSS 4 technology, the new generation of graphics features of the game were taken into the forefront. The video was included in the environmental designs of the game and the new armor details of DOOM Slayer. Even those short images have managed to feel the dark and dense atmosphere of the game now.
Home Although the gameplay details of the game have not yet been shared, it is estimated that the DOOM series will maintain its recognized style with its quick and action-filled structure. Also, with the support of new generation graphic technologies, it is thought that the series will be the most impressive game.
DOOM: The Dark Ages will be broadcast on PC, Xbox Series X SeriesS and PlayStation 5 platforms. Although the release date of the game is not fully explained, 2025 has been said to be released in the first half. More information about the game in Xbox Developer Direct event claimed to be in January is expected to be shared.
Home Bethesda and id Software also protects the silence of the game’s output date and gameplay details, fans are waiting for new news about DOOM: The Dark Ages. With its dark atmosphere and innovative features, this construction, which is expected to wake a big echo in the gaming world, will be an unforgettable experience for lovers of the series.