Home The world-renowned writer Agatha Christie’s iconic work “Death on the Nile” finds life as a video game. This new game, which will be launched for the next year, will drag their enthusiasts in Christie’s mystery-filled world. The game will be accessible on PS5, Xbox Series, Switch and PC platforms and will offer players the opportunity to solve a murder investigation passing on the Nile River in the guidance of the famous detective Hercule Poirot. Players will use mental skills to solve a mysterious murder in the magical atmosphere of ancient Egypt.
Agatha Christie – Death on the Nile Subject
“Agatha Christie – Death on the Nile offers players a familiar experience with the detailed characters and immersive story of Christie. The story starts with a murder that takes place on a luxury boat ride that a group of passengers did on the Nile River.
Home Poirot will race over time to reveal the fact in this mess. The game draws attention with its rich graphics and tooday voice. In-depth stories of each character offer different perspectives to solve events to players. Players will carefully evaluate each tip by reviewing these events from the eye of dedective Poirot and try to solve the murder.
Home The new game will not only detect players, but also approach events from the eyes of a messenger and a stabilizer. While advanced playback dynamics take care of their ability to perform in-depth analysis, environmental details are also visually enriched. With the game “Agatha Christie – Death on the Nile”, the curiouss will experience not only a classic story, but also an unforgettable experience.