Suicide Squad released in the past process: Kill the Justice League and Multiversus created a huge disappointment. Warner Bros due to quite low sales performance. The head of Interactive decided to leave the company.
Warner Bros. Games experienced big losses due to two games
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Haddad was found in a number of interviews and said: “Warner Bros. I am proud of the things I managed for while I am working in Games. Ikonik gaming was a great pleasure for me to work on our series and build them. I am quite excited for the future projects of the talented team. I am grateful for the time I spent in the company while my career is looking forward to working in the next part.”
At the point we arrived Haddad, Warner Bros. said that one of the reasons why the game section significantly perform insufficient performance is MultiVersus. Fight game 3. According to the same period of the previous year It caused a decline of 100 million dollars in game revenues in quarter. Suicide Squad on the other hand: Kill the Justice League has been the goal of criticisms without further leaving, and after its output, unfortunately, did not show the expected performance.