Samurai Shodown’s one-year EpiC Games Store deal expires and the game arrives on Steam on June 14. Samurai Shodown, who will meet Steam players almost two years after its release, brings with it the new DLC character: Shiro Tokisada Amakusa.
SNK had a good time here and planned the third fighter in Samurai Shodown’s Season Pass 3 simultaneously with the Steam release.
Shiro Tokisada Amakusa is a familiar character to players familiar with the series. Amakusa, which we consider a playable character even in the first game of the series (sega genesis and SNES versions), is based on a true revolutionary who took the lead of a rebellion that took place during the Edo period.
After Amakusa Cham Cham and Hibiki Takane, the third DLC character to join the game with this Season Pass, all that remains is a guest fighter from the Guilty Gear series.