The Fermi Paradox is a story-driven sci-fi strategy game developed by Anomaly. As the name suggests, he has a story inspired by the Fermi paradox. To summarize the Fermi Paradox briefly, we can say that wikipedia refers to the contradiction between theexistence of predictions that extraterrestrial civilizations are highly likely to exist and the absence of any evidence or contact to confirm this. After all, although there are countless stars and planets in the universe, there is still “first contact” with any alien race; The fact that we haven’t been able to provide it is the basis of this contradiction.
Our goal in the game is to make decisions in one corner of the galaxy that ultimately affect other civilizations. We will rule a civilization for thousands of years, explore space and try to contact other civilizations. Fermi Paradox will not be a micromanagement game, instead the decisions we make will start to turn some wheels and we will see their effects over the years.
As of July 1, the play, Which will enter Early Access, has made two very important transfers: Brian Mitsoda, the lead author of the original play, who came to mind when he said Bloodlines (whose name was widely used in the promotions of Bloodlines 2; but was then fired from Hardsuit Labs; and Bloodlines 2 for no reason), and Cara Ellison, the story designer of Bloodlines 2. The two will work together once again.
Anomaly will also support The Fermi Paradox with a demo during Steam Next Fest, so we have the chance to try the game.