Microsoft was due to unveil its next-generation operating system on June 24, presented by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Chief Product Officer Panos Panay. However, all the information about this new Windows was leaked before the event, even the new Windows ISO file is among those shared. So even now, you can install this new Windows on your computer and start trying it. For those who wish to call, the file name is “21996.1.210529-1541. co_release_client_consumer_x64fre_en-us.iso”.
One wondered whether the new Windows would be a sequel to 10; or a new version. It has also been revealed that the new version using the Windows 10X interface is called Windows 11.
Windows Central;d s first look at Windows 11;
Windows 11;is expected to be a free upgrade for Windows 10 owners. The end date for Windows 10 Pro and Home support is October 14, 2025.