Aliens: Fireteam Elite, a third-person survival shooter previously announced as Aliens: Firetem, will debut on August 24. The game will come to PC platforms via PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam.
The Digital Deluxe Edition, which includes the “Endeavor Veteran Pack” and the “Endeavour Pass”, which includes four separate downloadable content packs (Skins, weapon colors, accessories, and more), will also be available separately.
About the game
Set in the iconic Alien universe, Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a collaborative third-person survival shooter in which a fire team of veteran sailors is dragged into a desperate battle to contain the evolving Xenomorph threat.
Face terrifying waves of Xenomorph and Weyland-Yutani Synthetic enemies with two players or their AI teammates as you and your fire team battle helplessly in four unique challenges that bring new stories to the Alien universe. Create and customize your own Colonial Sailor to choose from a wide range of classes, weapons, gear, and perks, and battle powerful strange beings in this exciting survival shooter experience.
Click here to access the game’s Steam page.
Announcement video