One of the longest-running series in the gaming world is undoubtedly Final Fantasy. The brand, which has been in front of fans with countless games so far, has its young friends in a different way. According to reports, a Final Fantasy animation for ages 8-13 is in the early stages of production. There is talk that this cartoon series will get Final Fantasy IX;utemel.
France-based Cyber Group Studios will be producing the new animation. We don’t expect a very serious set from the company where we’ve seen jobs targeting preschoolers and 6-12 year olds in their previous jobs. Speaking on behalf of the company, CEO Pierre Sissmannsaid, “The Games have a really strong potential for different perspectives. FF IX; this will be a publicity stunt for the ubilens. For many unfamiliar fans, it will be a show that will draw them into this universe where they will be admired.” Said.
- First Look – Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
- A New PlayStation-Specific Final Fantasy Game Is Allegedly Being Developed
Cyber Group is currently looking for a publisher to distribute, license and keep its products. Netflix, which has recently invested heavily in game adaptations, may want to add this series to its cast. However, the audience the show caters to will not find the atmosphere that older fans expect. We are looking forward to the latest news from the Final Fantasy IX animation, which has no voice actor or release date.