Let’s put aside the very old King’s Bounty fromthe ’90s. The King’s Bountyseries Heroes, which began in 2008 with King’s Bounty: The Legend and was launched in 2014 with a lot of new games and expansion packs, had fans of Heroes even more than the new Heroes.
Although very much like the Heroes, there was a fundamental difference between king’s bountys; The main map gameplay was not strategy but isometric RYO structure. I mean, you’d go here and there in real time, do missions, pursue treasures, whatever. When you went to war, they were only a turn-based strategy.
King’s Bounty II is the same, but with a very significant difference: this time the camera is not isometric, we play directly from the third person. We choose from 3 characters with different abilities and personalities and run around like dragon age etc., chatting with people, stirring the bush to see if there is treasure.
They’ve created a beautiful world that’s not just out-of-the-way character modeling. It’s a not bad story, not bad writing, successful voiceovers, lots of missions. It could have been, but the slow pace of the character’s walking made me a little crazy, personally. It’s still in beta, so maybe they’ll change it. Speaking of betas, even though it’s beta, I haven’t encountered any serious bugs in the game, it’s going to be a smooth release.
I’ll get the army out of my pocket.
We can go into battles with five units, and unlike previous King’s Bountys,there are no very limited, thousands of units of troops. Oh, but what can you do? Apart from the 5 units that will go to war, you can have unlimited troops in your pocket as much as you can afford. Since you can see your opponents before you go to war, you can determine a quintes of dozens of troops according to the battle in front of you.
I think wars have been the most successful part of the game. When you say 5 units vers other than 5 troops, you might say that strategic depth is diminished, but it’s not. Apart from having a lot of active and passive abilities of each unit, the battlefields are also extremely volatile. You can take advantage of the upgrades, or the ruggedness on the battlefield can prevent attacks by your archers, etc.
Two out of four
One of the highlights of the game is that you can shift from 4 mentalities to 2 with your decisions. These mentalities are Order and Anarchy / Power and Subtleties. For example, there’s something about the guy that you need, and if you beat him up, Power, if you go to his boss and tell him that he’s like that, and you get him to give you that stuff, you get a points of kindness. There are things like the inability of characters close to one side to choose options on the other side, but on top of that, every unit you use in battles belongs to one of these four mentalities, and if you drive them to the battlefield at the same time as the troops of other mentalities, their performance decreases. And if you think that there are individual skill trees belonging to these four mentalities, you come across a deep system of interconnected branches. It’s a good one.
Previous King’s Bountyswere really good games, but I had a big complaint; You were fighting too much, and a lot of them were the same. You could go into 20 battles in a row where you did the same thing all the time without changing anything, and it was exhausting. For now, my biggest complaint in king’s bounty II beta is the opposite. The battles are extremely enjoyable, but their odds have been reduced. The majority of my playing time was spent exploring and dialogue, and although the dialogues were, I couldn’t get as buried in the game as I would have liked because the tempo of the discovery part was a little too low. I’m a little depressed when I’ve been playing for hours and I haven’t been able to progress them to satisfactory levels, even though I’ve been motivated to move forward with the story, improve my leadership, save money, grow my army, go into battles. Like I said, it’s beta yet, I don’t want to get too high, but when the game comes out, I think it’d be sweeter if the reconnaissance part was a little more brisk, and they doubled the number of battles.