Housemarque, the developer of Returnal,a playstation 5-exclusive game, gained attention with a mysterious post on Twitter. The shared image signals that a DLC is on its way to the game. The studio, which posted a mysterious photo with the text “Atropos..?” on November 26, may have secretly introduced the game’s new DLC.
A new DLC may be coming for Returnal
Atropos, the name of the planet where Returnal is the subject, managed to excite players with an image they had never encountered before. Following the post on the studio’s official Twitter account, Housemarque’s senior narrative designer Eevi Korhonenposted another mysterious post. “We shot something really great today. I hope we share more soon!’, Korhonen explained, reinforcing rumors of a new additional package.
These recent posts represent a DLC that will probably be introduced at The Game Awards on December 9, 2021. The Game Awards event, which looks very ambitious for 2021, will host more than 40 announcements. Some of these announcements will be updates from productions we already know, while others will be new ones.