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While Steam discounts continue to continue, there will be a new event in the coming period that focuses only on close combat and hacking & slash genres. In this event , called Steam Break Down , hundreds of interesting melee based games are on sale, while we will also see demos of upcoming games. Again, developers and players will come together with a lively event.
Steam Smash Up event starts in September
The Steam Break Down event will begin at 20:00 TSI on September 19 and will last until September 26th at 20:00 TSI. During this event, while we will see great discounts on games whose primary mechanic is close combat, we will also encounter new content about such upcoming games. Obviously, it is quite nice to encounter such activities in the store apart from seasonal discounts. These always remind me why Steam is always the unconditional winner of the fight between Epic and Steam…
There are some games that are expected to go on sale during the Steam Smash Ground event. We shared them with you in our article published yesterday. If you wish, you can click here to go to our article and see both the history of all the events in the future and the games that we expect to be discounted on these events.
At the same time, before this event, there will also be a survival festival on Steam. Steam Survival Fest 2022, which will start very soon, will focus entirely on survival games. While you can try the demos of the new productions that will be released soon, discounts are also expected on the games in this genre. Until Halloween and Fall Sale arrives, such events will be enough to keep the store alive.