If you recall, a few weeks ago, DICE posted a video with us that tasted like a short film. In this video called Exodus, we had the opportunity to see “Irish” Graves, who we know from Battlefield 4’s story mode. I told you that day that I didn’t understand why EA was making a movie like this for a play without a script. That’s the point behind that movie…
Just like the CoD series, Battlefield 2042 will have deoperators. Irish, who will be the first of these operators, shows off his skills in a new video. Irish is able to place a shield behind it and can detect its enemies thanks to the transparent structure of the shield.
Of course, these operators will also come with their own costumes. Irish’s “Battle Hardened”, for example, will already be exclusive to players who pre-empony the game. We’ll be able to choose our character’s weapons and the rest of his equipment.
Battlefield 2042 will be with us in October.