My biggest personal criticism of the Epic Games Store (and Launcher) was that they hadn’t added a performance system yet. Achievements are one of the things that gamers love, a system that we’re used to on consoles, Steam; and some other clients, and it’s finally coming to the Epic Games Store next week.
In fact, at EGS, there were achievements, though not outright, for some time, and in some games, the achievements were also overlay. But now it’s all official. We also learned the basics of the performance system at EGS.
Successes in games are divided into four tiers according to XP values. When you earn 1000 XP in a game, you get Platinum success.
Bronze achievements give 5-45 XP, silver achievements 50-95 XP, Gold achievements 100-200 XP, platinum success 250 XP.
You will be able to follow the achievements from the Performance detail page of the games and see how far you have progressed in which achievement and which success you are close to.
The achievements you have gained in games where my success has been active so far will be transferred to this new system as well.
There were games at EGS that I kept waiting to play just so the performance system would come in, and I say that people like me are 🙂