PUBG continues to carry out various activities and local studies for MOBILE. Finally, there was some explanations for the game, which was an important collaboration for the League of Legends series Arcane. In addition to pubg mobile x Arcane content and events, a major cooperation announcement will be made soon. The explanations and details made are as follows;
PUBG MOBILE X Arcane collaboration celebrated with events
In partnership with PUBG MOBILE X Arcane, one of PUBG MOBILE’s largest and most important collaborations to date, the battlefield has acquired new dynamics with exclusive content, characters and abilities from the League of Legends animated series. This huge collaboration, which has received great attention in-game and offline events, has also been a pioneer of similarly large collaborations that PUBG MOBILE will bring to life to continuously improve the gaming experience.
Fierce struggle in Mirror World
PUBG MOBILE players travelled between Erangel, Piltover and Zaun to become jinx, vi, jayce or caitlyn, the show’s best-known champions. Players who fought and lost to other players in Mirror World returned to Erangel in their original form.
This new space offered gamers many clues about the dynamics of war and exploration, as well as what’s happening in the world of Arcane. During this process, which runs until January 3rd, players will try to complete the story using Hex Shards and other materials and return Jinx, Vi, Jayce and Caitlyn to Runeterra. In addition, during this ongoing process, he will be able to improve his exploration progress by playing Mirror Island or Classic Mode matches and recreate arcane champions by winning items with special Arcane phrases.
PUBG MOBILE has released a special video featuring popular names for this special collaboration. In this video, the three men dressed as Arcane beamed to Erangel with Hexcrystal and parachuted in to join the PUBG MOBILE leader’s team, fighting hard for the airdrop box. PUBG MOBILE attaches great importance to Turkish players and aims to bring more local and creative things to Turkish culture and popular celebrities and Turkish players. You can watch the promotional film prepared for PUBG MOBILE x ARCANE collaboration by clicking here.
Celebrated with special events
Various events were held in Turkey to promote this new world, which the players are eagerly awaiting. The first was an online inter-publisher tournament with League of Legends and PUBG MOBILE publishers. PUBG MOBILE Turkey is the team of the famous PUBG MOBILE player Barış G, who won this tournament, which was broadcast on the official Youtube channel and hosted fierce competitions and fun moments.
In the continuation of this event, turkey’s most popular PUBGM and LOL publishers signed pubg mobile x Arcane Internet Cafe, where they met with the players offline. Five different tournaments were completed and about 1,000 people participated in the event, which also held gift raffles, Q&A and interview sessions. The event, which is colored with cosplays PUBG Mobile Turkey YouTube channel has attracted a lot of attention.
PUBG MOBILE will continue to meet with players with surprise content and plans to announce another major IP collaboration in the coming days.