The new season of Apex Legends comes with plenty of new content, as usual. Maps to change, new weapons and, of course, a new Legend will be waiting for us. Here are the details of our new character. A new character named Seer will take on the role of a hunter.
Heart Seeker, Seer’s passive talent, allows him to see the directions of players who are 75 meters in diameter. But to use this ability, you have to look through the binoculars of any weapon. Seer’s tactical ability, Focus of Attention, exposes enemies in the region he’s sent to.
Let’s also note that this capability also shows the life and armor bars of all players remaining in the area. The first explosion can stop life and armor filling. Exhibit allows every character to be seen moving within the area in which it is discarded. Players will be able to get rid of this ability by moving slowly and not shooting.
The new season of Apex Legends arrives august 3.