Home Popular battle royale game Apex Legends has suffered a serious loss of players in 2024. According to Steam data, the number of simultaneous players of the game dropped to 140.830 at the end of December from the peak of 470.696 in February 2024. This comes to a reduction of 70% and has been lost as one of the biggest declines in the history of the game. EA and Respawn, carefully watching this situation, players complain from the approach that is decreasing content support and increased micropayment-oriented.
Apex Legends Why Does Player Los?
Home Apex Legends’s main causes of player loss include lack of content and intensive monetization. A new character (legend) and a battle royale map added to the game for 2024. New weapons were never introduced. This situation brought together the criticisms that seasons look like each other and are not presented enough innovation for players.
Home On the other hand, micro-payment-oriented events made in the game have collected great response. While the full 12 different collection events are held for 2024, players often criticized “blowing the audience”. Contents such as “relic grenade” added specifically to the game were interpreted as “felt” indicator by the community.
Home The EA stated that in a statement on October 2024, the changes made in the battle pass system did not provide expected income increase. The company has given the signal that they will take more innovative steps in the future by saying “the important growth in an environment and the player needs to be restored”. However, these descriptions did not block the loss of players.
Home Apex Legends is played by 120.000-140.000 players per day and this is a number that many live service games will dream. However, the lack of 70% decline and new content strengthens the perception of the game “exiting” in the community. There are two words in the mind of fans: Titanfall 3.