Apex Legends Pre-Season 13 introduced Newcastle, the new content season titled Saviors and the latest hero of Apex Legends. The trailer features history and some features.
Apex Legends Season 13 is released on April 28
Apex Legends: Savior will be released on April 28. The most notable thing that stood out in the trailer was undoubtedly the new Legend Newcastle. It seems our new hero, Newcastle, seems to have a lot of protection skills. In the trailer we see exciting fights and a giant sea monster.
Newcastle first appeared as Bangalore’s brother Jackson in stories from the Outlands: Gridiron video posted by Respawn Games on the official YouTube channel Apex Legends.
Looks like Newcastle are paying great attention to shields. In the trailer, we see that their shields are useful when their teammates are facing the enemy. One of the highlights, especially is that the creature came out of the ocean and pulled him to safety while protecting his teammate.
While this trailer gives us the impression that there will be many additions for Season 13 of Apex Legends, it seems that we won’t know exactly what’s new until the season is out.