The League of Legends animated series Arcane, which has been released on Netflix in recent weeks, has been a serious success. Indeed, the show has such an immersive storyline and incredible visuals that it connects even those who have nothing to do with LoL to the screen (you can see from here that I strongly recommend you watch it). In fact, it’s the second most-watched series on Netflix at the moment, after Squid Game.
Arcane was clearly going to have an impact on League of Legends;
Jinx, for example, had an 11.8% approval rating, followed by Arcane at 17.5%. Jayce increased his approval rating to 12%, up from 3.7%. The character with the most increase was Vi, and Vi’s selection percentage increased from 6% to 20.4%. These values are a comparison between november 7, the day before the first three episodes of the series aired, and today. Therefore, it is possible to link these rises directly to Arcane.
The Arcane series will air in act 3 and the first two acts are currently on the air. You can also read the reviews of these three-part act;: