Bethesda Launcher, which Bethesda offers exclusively to players, was announced to close in recent months. However, it was unclear when it would close. Now that date has been set, bethesda launcher will cease service on 11 May.
Bethesda Launcher was one of the programs used to log in to the games that the company was publishing or developing. After it closes, it will be switched to Steam. In the process, PC gamers will be able to move Bethesda Libraries to Steam. This will make the games you own on Bethesda Launcher available on Steam.
Bethesda recently posted: “In early April, you will be able to move your library to your Steam account. All games you have on Bethesda Launcher will be available to you for free on Steam. Your purchases will be transferred to your Steam account. In addition, many game recordings will be transferred. However, some records will require manual copying.”