We know that Epic Games; in the Epic Games Store manages a very aggressive exclusive process, especially at the beginning. Like Metro Exodus, Steam even caused controversy by linking pre-ordered games to itself. One of the most vocal of these exclusive games was Borderlands 3, which cost Epic $115 million.
Epic Games has paid a minimum warranty of $80 million for Borderlands 3 (that is, whether or not this game sells, epic;the money that comes out of Epic’s pocket for sure). 15 million marketing expenses and 20 million exclusive broadcast fees through EGS.
The Borderlands 3 exclusive deal was even part of a wider deal with 2K Games. That includes giving civilization 6 away for free, which cost $20 million. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection costs $11 million.
Epic Games; documents list it as the All Borderlands 3 Agreement and have a total value of $146 million.
But Borderlands 3 was a successful game. Two weeks after the game was released, its revenue exceeded $100 million, of which 77 million were sales from the Epic Games Store. So within two weeks, the game had “minimum guarantee payment”. During this period, EGS received 12%; While the number of EGS players playing the game was 1.56 million, 53% of them were newcomers to the platform.
This data actually shows that Epic’s policy of attracting players to the store is moving in the right direction. Okay, they’re losing money, but they’ve got names like Fortnite that can cover the damage. That’s why Tim Sweeney says he doesn’t expect EGS to make a profit for three or four years.