According to Capcom Chief Operating Officer Haruhior Tsujimoto, Capcom plans to make PC games its main focus in the future. Capcom’starget for 2022 or 2023 is that its total sales are evenly distributed across PCs and consoles, Bloomberg reported, translated from japanese news site Nikkei. Capcom, which has successfully gained momentum with Resident Evil Village, can change its target platform.
Capcom to prioritize PC games
Capcom announced this week that Monster Hunter Rise, released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch, will also arrive on the PC platform in January 2022. Capcom ( such as Monster Hunter World, which stopped by the PC platform 8 months after its release) and Resident Evil Village and Devil May Cry 5, which usually launched their games first to consoles and then to the PC platform, were simultaneously available on all platforms.
Capcom’s focus on PC (or rather, the non-console platform) may be due to the sales figures it reaches, especially with RE: Village. Village and the Resident Evil series became Capcom’s first brand to exceed the 100 million sales threshold in total. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne sold a total of 8.2 million, Resident Evil 7 sold 9.8 million and Monster Hunter World sold 17.3 million, Capcom reported at the end of this June. Capcom posted a 16.8 percent revenue increase in 2021, according to a financial report released after those sales.