The independent gaming studio Cultic Games, which appeared with a mysterious video before the exit of Cats and the Other Lives, shared some of the income from the game to separate the treatment and maintenance costs of cats living on the street. Cats and the Other Lives, which stands out in the Turkish gaming world with creative expression, artistic style and wrap cat, supported our tiny friends who survive under difficult conditions on the street.
Cats and the Other Lives 60% discount with the efficacy of
Land of the Crescent, let’s take a look at once with the contributions of Crystal Pixel and Paycell. Nobody knows a little cat photo!
In the first place of the Junior, we had a baby with parasites. Serhat is a pleasure of the Junior, who also get rid of the lung infection with the help of Male, read from their eyes.
In Cats and the Other Lives, every member of Cats and the Other Lives is trying to reveal the mystery of the ficane that we live in as a cat Aspen. But there is no financial. With this meaningful help campaign, Cultic Games aims to increase awareness of animal rights in society and to support street animals in need of help.
What makes Feriha a little Aspen? Even if the plastic bucket is not a financial, Feriha, which stimulates the hot arm, was also saved from a dog attack. Although they have not saved their babies, Feriha has one of Cultic Games employees.
While Aspen’s scenes from window to window are a result of adventure, Sanki de red peninli figures have fallen with an elined leg. Thanks to Cultic Games’s fund, Sanki, who survived to stay in, is likely to raise the arms of one of them with white socks.
Cats and the Other Lives, which is worthy of the Best Speech award in Crystal Pixel 2024, now the Creative Director of Cultic Games, is adorning the colorful pages of the Land of the Crescent prepared with the contributions of Can Oral. With 60% discount!
If you still haven’t played this comprehensive collection of Turkish games from Steam page to Cats and the Other Lives you can support cats by skipping your basket.