The full version of Diablo Immortal, Blizzard’s free-to-play mobile and PC game, was expected to be released on June 23. However, the official Chinese Diablo website (as reported by analyst Daniel Ahmad) stated that the game was postponed. “We are sorry to announce that the scheduled release of Diablo: Immortal has been postponed,” the site reads.
On the postponement, the development team reported: “We are working on a number of optimizations for the game. We’re pushing for more device support, network-performance improvements, and more for a healthier gaming experience.”
Blizzard has not given a new release date for the game. However, he stated that he would give rare items to the players as an apology.
Diablo Immortal was released as an open beta for iOS, Android, and PC on June 2. However, due to the high level of the micro purchase feature (the system of purchasing in-game items for a fee), it has seen negative reactions in a short time.