Disney announced last year that Kevin Feige,the mind behind theMarvel Cinematic Universe(PICTURED) would make a new Star Wars film. After a long hiatus, news about this film began to come up. In fact, according to the latest information, the director of the film has been announced. Oscar-winning director Chloe Zhao,who also directed Eternals for the MCU, will head the currently unnamed Star Wars film. Expectations are high for the film, which is produced by Kevin Feige.
“I’ll do anything Kevin asks me to do.” Chloe Zhao gave the first signals of this union. The fact that Eternals received some mixed reviews didn’t prompt Disney to back down. However, there is a serious calendar squeeze on the behalf of the Star Wars films. Because there’s a new trilogy to be expected. In addition, the Taika Waititi film and rogue squadron are waiting for a place for its release, although production has been suspended. Even if the Chloe Zhao/Kevin Feige partnership is to start a new Star Wars film, we’re unlikely to see it anytime soon.