The Company of Heroes series is also one of the most popular and acclaimed strategy series. Relic intends to continue this picture with Company of Heroes 3. They shared a developer’s diary showing that they are working diligently on this issue and intend to provide a very detailed strategy experience:
The highlight at the beginning of the video is that a dynamic map will be presented in the campaign section of the game. Believing there is a special link between the strategic campaign map and real-time battles, the team strives to pass on the experience to the player. Issues such as the locations and logistics lines where your troops land on the map are also among the issues you should consider for the course of the conflict.
There’s also the selection of units you’ll use in conflicts. For example, in order to use air units, you need to control the airspace and create supply lines for your aircraft. Of course, that goes for other troops. They summarized very well how to make strategic moves step by step, they 🙂
It was also mentioned that your navy has a function of both supplying from the sea and providing firepower when deployed on the coast; and the strategic layer that partisans bring to the game.
They also explained how the situation of the German army was reflected in the game during the period of the game (it is mentioned that the German air force lost its supremacy, mostly attacking enemy ports, airspace and supply routes).
There was also information on how the outcome of the conflicts might have implications for the next mission, as well as because there are different types of conflict.
Company of Heroes 3 will meet gamers next year. We are looking forward to the games we follow closely.