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Street Fighter 6 has managed to be one of the most popular productions among the games to be released in 2023. Capcom announced that it would make Street Fighter 6 with the feedback it received from the previous game. This explanation showed us the reason why Street Fighter 6 attracted so much attention. Capcom did not leave this interest unrequited and announced the new costumes for Street Fighter 6 characters.
Street Fighter 6 carkers will get their new look
Initial reviews of Street Fighter 6 were quite positive, and even the game seemed to impress critics. It was one of the many reasons that impressed the players that the game would be released with new characters. In addition, the announcement that some of the old characters will include the last game of the series has excited the players. Recently, Capcom announced that Ryu, Chun-Li and Guile would return. After this statement, fans claimed that many of the classic characters like these will be included in the new game.
Capcom has revealed some of the costumes designed for Street Fighter 6 characters. The company first announced the costumes of the characters returning to Street Fighter 6. Chun-Li was presented in a costume with prickly bracelets, as opposed to the elegant and gold bands on his wrist. Ryu was seen shaved in a classic white martial arts suit. In addition, the costumes prepared for Luke and Jamie were equipped with innovations and attracted the attention of the players. It is thought that some of the returning characters in the leaked cast of Street Fighter 6 will take on their classic looks like Ryu. But players are waiting for further clarification from the company.