Last month, netflix announced it was losing subscribers for the first time in a decade, turning its attention to other rival video streaming platforms. In this area where competition is becoming more and more serious, subscriber losses and earnings are a big indicator.
Disney announced in January that it had 196.4 million users, including Hulu and ESPN. In the first three months of the year, 7.9 million new subscribers were added to the Disney Plus platform.
Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers compared to the previous quarter. The increase in Disney Plus is really remarkable. Disney Plus has now increased its users to more than 137.9 million , while Netflix has approximately 222 million subscribers.
Disney Plus will soon launch in Turkey on June 14. Disney Plus, which sets the monthly subscription price at 35 TL, also offers a 12-month package for an 8-month subscription fee with its campaign under the name Of Meet Pack.