Doctor Strange, which opens the door to the marvel cinematic universe’s greatest quirks, could bring much greater chaos to the MCU with its new film. With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, mutants, the X-Men, are now expected to somehow enter the universe, and Wolverine may be one of the pioneers of this movement.
In fact, in the Doctor Strange trailer released on Super Bowl night, we were all excited about Professor X entering the universe with the potential presence of Patrick Stewart. But when it comes to Wolverine, I get more excited. First reported by The Illuminerdi, a new Wolverine will appear with Dr. Strange 2. We’re definitely not going to see Hugh Jackman in the role, and this new Wolverine might not be permanent. So the potential Wolverine cameo can only be limited to one variant.
Considering the end of the Loki series that bring variants into our lives, it seems that a lot of characters from different universes will enter the MCU. Well, when it comes to Doctor Strange, there’s no limit to the odds. Having thoroughly explored the power of different universes alongside last year’s latest bomb Spider-Man: No Way Home, the MCU may have accelerated its plans for the X-Men. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which will be released on May 6, is likely to play a major role in the MCU’s future.