The Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has opened its multiverse doors to the fullest, is set to go deep into the realm of eccentricities with Doctor Strange. The duration of the sequel, which has risen sharply since Spider-Man: No Way Home, has also been revealed. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will last 126 minutes , fandango’s Erik Davis reports.
This two-hour, six-minute period was shorter than expected. Because when you think about the subjects to be processed in the film and the characters that are likely to come, it was likely for about three hours. It had already been leaked that the duration of the film would be 148 minutes, but it turned out that this story had no truth to it.
- New Photo Of Scarlet Witch from Doctor Strange 2 Shared
- Patrick Stewart Confirms He’s In Doctor Strange 2!
This Multiverse craze, which is likely to bring mutants and X-Men into the universe, with Patrick Stewart as Professor X, is truly intriguing. There’s an extra thrill to see Wanda as a truly Scarlet Witch for the first time. We have full confidence in the MCU regarding Doctor Strange 2, which will be released on May 6 .