Doom Eternal’s Invasion Mode,which has been continuously developed and updated since its release, has been postponed due to the pandemic process. With Invasion mode, we would be able to get involved in other players’ game and control enemies. Inspired by the Invasion mechanics of Dark Souls, this mode sounded quite advaged.
Doom Eternal’s new mode will be Horde Mod
According to a recent blog post by id Software,the studio’s entry into a remote working environment due to the ongoing pandemic worldwide was one of the biggest reasons for the postponement of Invasion Mod. For these reasons, the ID Software team focused their efforts on Horde Mod and the upcoming multiplayer Battlemod remake.
At the same time, ID Software is confident that doom eternal will offer more than the variety and challenge you are looking for in the game. In addition, we are continuing to work on the renewal of Battlemod, which includes a more competitive, series of gameplay, a new map, balance update, and rank-based structure.” ID Software will also sharemore information with players about the future of Doom Eternal at QuakeCon in August.
With Bethesda joining the Microsoft family, Doom Eternal, which was added to the Xbox Game Pass system, is now meeting more players. Also this week, the next generation patch for Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and PC was released, remember that there are more stories to tell in the Doom universe.