Bandai Namco has announced Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom for PlayStation 5, Switch, and PC (Steam). The game will be released worldwide in 2022.
The description of the game is as follows:
Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom is a lifestyle simulation game. The game will feature content found in all Season of Seasons games, such as growing crops and caring for animals. In addition, new items and a wide variety of unique Doraemon-themed events will be available. This new game will also offer players a touching new story. Get ready to move on to the next phase of farm life.
Use Doraemon’s secret tools to make your farming life more comfortable and more fun. You can prepare great meals in the “Farm Restaurant” while the “Mini Raincloud” can be used to water your crops. The more hidden tools you use, the more enjoyable your farm life will be.
Announcement trailer
Message from the producer