Last week, a loop hole was exposed in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, a vulnerability that was spread through a TikTok video, in which players can exit defeated matches “without loss.”
With the advent of this vulnerability, EA immediately stepped in and quickly released a patch to close the opening. With the closure of this vulnerability, EA said: “We identify individual players who have benefited from this vulnerability and will contact them.”
It became clear what that contact was, with EA banning more than 30,000 accounts it found to be exploiting the vulnerability from playing FIFA 22 online for a week. This means these players will not be able to participate in this week’s FUT Champions Finals.
Of course, there were those who stood up and opposed this decision, saying, “The problem has been patched up and this should have stayed there. You can’t blame the players for exploiting a poorly implemented feature” among the criticisms. However, we should thank EA for making a quick decision and implementing this issue, otherwise it would have been very unfair to those who played this mode seriously.