If you remember, there was a time when a new battle royale game came up every day. Apex Legends, which met us at one of those times, became a favorite of the players by making innovative add-ons to the genre it was in. One of these innovative mechanics was the ping system.
From time to time, we can use this feature comfortably when we do not want to talk to our teammates or when we want to mark an item. The same system has even been added to CS:GO, which has been on the market for years. However, EA intends to offer this technology to other producers for free.
Starting today, developers will have access to five different patents through EA’s system called the Accessibility First Patent Pledge. The most notable of these will be the ping system of Apex Legends, which EA calls “Contextually Aware Communications Systems”.
It would be wrong to say that we are not surprised that EA has shown such delicacy. Let’s see what other games we’ll see designs like this.