Anubis, which is our first choice, played on the map. 14-14 our representative from 14-16 galip in single extensions played in the Anubis map, completed in equality, 1-0 prefix in the series. The name Ali Haydar Wicadia Yalçın who hit the mark in the opposite. Our representative was the first half 7-5 in the Nuke map, while the second half is Rund without a vote of 13-5 in total, and the situation in the series was 1-1 equal. When the last map is switched to Inferno, the encounter gets flame. Eternal Fire, forced on the first half T side, completed the map behind 8-4. When the second half parties change, the opposite 4-8, in total 14-14 equals. The broken moment of the game, which is quite much, caused a recent encounter with 3 extension series. The time game of Xantares in 21. Rund led to the explosion of the bomb, and then encountering an effective A Side game of 22-20, the series 2-1 resulted with the Eternal Fire victory.