Exomecha, a domestic production that will appear in a new generation, shows off its gameplay trailer. The more you watch a little Halo, a little Crysis, the more the trailer looks delicious. The Exomecha release date, developed by TwistedRed and announced for Xbox Series X/S, PC and Xbox One, has been clarified. The game will appear later this summer.
Exomecha release date revealed, here’s the new trailer
A new gameplay trailer has been released for the game, which first appeared in a presentation introducing the next generation of games for Xbox and excited us. Exomecha release date, which will appear in the FPS genre, was also revealed with this trailer. The highly anticipated production will be released in August 2021. So in a few months we’ll have the chance to play Exomecha, which looks great. Here’s the exquisite gameplay trailer for the game!
The game, where you will enjoy the Halo and Crysis series while watching, suddenly breaks in the middle. Huge titans come into play, and it takes it to a whole new level. In addition to the basic mechanics of first-person shooter games, exoMecha will be able to use a vehicle carrying helicopters, tanks and machine guns behind it. We also have the option of approaching our enemies from behind and secretly assassinating them. However, although we still don’t know much about it, it’s also possible to fight the giant titans in the game. Some of them continue their medieval traditions and fight with swords & shields, while others spray fires from their mouths in the form of dragons. This variety in the trailer is quite remarkable.
You can also see that the war has been moved underwater. With its fast structure, the game also includes dash mechanics to the right or left, which also protects these mechanics in underwater battles. With its graphics, it’s both terrifying and “If it’s really like this, it’s inedible!” ExoMecha release date is shown as August 2021. With the new trailer shown in Xbox’s ID@Xbox presentation for standalone games, the excitement has grown. What do you guys think of this game? Don’t forget to include your feedback in the comments section at the bottom.