Ghost Recon, one of the tom clancy series that Ubisoft is continuing, is now in its 20th year. A special broadcast was also held last night, while a new game was announced, while some surprise gifts were also included for the followers of the series.
Fallen Ghosts for Wildlands and Deep State Adventure for Breakpoint will be available for free, while another free content will be the original Ghost Recon game. Of course, he can’t be expected to live up to the experience he had 20 years ago, but we can still say that it’s a gift that can appeal to our feelings of nostalgia, at least for archivists:)
You can get your free copy of Ghost Recon by the evening of October 11 at; referrals for additional packages can also be found here. If you don’t have other games, there’s also a discount campaign that runs until the evening of October 11th, so you might want to give it a chance; I think it’s worth taking a look at the Ubisoft Store, Epic Games Store, or Steam on the PC side; and the PS Store or Microsoft Store on the console side.