While waiting for the first group of Game Pass’s February 2022 games to be announced, a leak came again. The post by Dealabs user Billbill-kun points out that the first group of games coming this month includes:
- Ark Survival Evolved
- Dreamscaper
- Infernax
- Skul: The Hero Slayer
- Edge of Eternity
- Besiege (Early Access)
- The Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom
- Contrast
- Telling Lies
Ark Survival Evolved on the list is a bit confusing, because it is already a game in Game Pass. But this time they say the Ultimate Survivor Edition will be delivered.
Last month, mass effect: legendary edition, rainbow six extraction, outer wilds, spelunky 2, death’s door, such as games had a pretty solid list. It’s a little behind him, this month’s list. But there are still games that might be of interest. Skul: The Hero Slayer is one of the first to look at. If you’re an FMV fan, Telling Lies isn’t a bad alternative either. Maybe it wasn’t very popular in time, it wasn’t liked, but contrast is one of those games that should be given a chance.
Billbill-kun skipped PS games, but he’s back with Game Pass. Let’s see what list the next leak is from.