The screen adaptation of Sonic, which began its life as an internet meme, managed to get passing grades from everyone when it was released. Especially as Jim Carrey’s incredible Dr. Robotnik performance is etched in memory, the success has paved the way for new Sonic content.
Here are the first images from Sonic Prime, which will be one of those contents. These short-lived images appear in a trailer in which Netflix compiles future animations. In the same trailer, we get to see some of Netflix’s new projects.
The new Sonic series, announced in February last year, will be a 24-episode children’s (!) content. In Sonic Prime we will be able to see our superfast blue hedgehog go to “different universes”.
For now, we don’t know when Sonic Prime will be released. But SEGA has teamed up with WildBrain Studio and Man of Action Entertainment for the job.