Rugrats, an important part of our childhood, returns with Paramount+. The ’90s Nickelodeon cartoon will be released on May 27. Like the original cartoon, our story will follow tommy, chuckie, phil, lil, susie and angelica.
We’re going to dive into the imaginary worlds of this team and go on a variety of adventures. On the other hand, unfortunately, the 2D structure of the original cartoon seems to be a thing of the past. Judging by the trailer released, it’s noteworthy that the new Rugrats will now have 3D animations. If you ask me, this change seems a little strange to the eye.
On the other hand, let’s mention that the original voiceover team will be preserved. So in the new Rugrats, E.G. Dailey (Tommy), Nancy Cartwright (Chuckie), Cheryl Case (Angelica), Cree Summer (Susie) and Kath Soucie (Phil and Lil) will be among them.