A new update has been released for GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon, which debuted with an early access version last month. Konami announced the addition of Getsu Color, a character with much faster and more agile gameplay, to the game with this update. You can check out the company’s description and the video we prepared for the game below.
GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon update released
Konami announced in a statement that in recent weeks, they have introduced Getsu Renge, a new, playable character, with the latest update to getsufumaden: Undying Moon, a new gameable game. With this important update, various bugs in the game have been fixed and balanced. A full list of updates is available on the game’s Steam store page.
Notorious for its superior fighting skills and beauty, Getsu Color is the 21st century’s most beautiful member of the Getsu clan. In addition to being its leader, she is known as the clan’s best female Ninja warrior. Players who choose Getsu Color will be able to develop new gameplay styles because Getsu Color has much faster and more agile attacks than Getsu Fuma. But besides this advantage, there is a drawback compared to Getsu Fuma; His attacking power and defense are lower than his. Therefore, players need to develop new strategies in this direction.
GetsuFumaDen: While Undying Moon’sEarly Access process continues, KONAMI continues to collect players’ feedback through the Steam® community, Twitter account, and game-specific Discord server. In line with the comments received from the players, it is stated that the final shape of the game will continue.