Ghostwire: Tokyo, one of the games that failed to make its debut last year and hung this year, is now certain to be released on March 24. Recently, an update to the PS Store added the game’s release date, but it was later removed and started to appear as “2022” again. When you look at the PS Store Turkey page, you can confirm this, the date of the release has been changed and the year part has been left again.
However, when RockPaperShotgun accidentally published ghostwire: Tokyo first look before the embargo date, the release date of the game was also revealed. As mentioned in the article, the game will be released on March 24.
Ghostwire: Tokyo’s first-look embargo will be lifted on February 4th, and the official release date will likely be announced that day.
Below you can also see screenshot examples from the article that was published and removed in RPS: