As Sony brings its key titles to pc one by one, players’ expectations are increasing. The latest leak is for the God of War PC version. Based on information leaked from the Twitter account ImJasonSaint, God of War doesn’t just come for PC. Ghost of Tsushima, The Uncharted Collection are also on their way to PC.
God of War pc is on its way
The same headlines have also been posted on the CrazyLeaksOnATrain Twitter account, which has a solid history. The shares on the accounts that have been on the agenda with the posts he made in the past period have not yet been removed. However, if the claims are true, all titles identified with PlayStation come one by one for pc.
The CrazyLeaksOnATrain account has claimed several times in the past that the Bloodborne PC version is on the way. While its followers are still waiting for these descriptions to be officially confirmed, it’s also worth remembering that the account correctly predicted kingdom hearts’ PC-specific debut, ninja gaiden trilogy remaster, in the Epic Games Store.
Pc-on-PC productions like God of War don’t know how much damage it will do to the brand’s console, but it also seems like a great opportunity for PC gamers.
Before I forget, God of War: Ragnarok was recently announced.